A powerful syndicate, comprising of prominent figures in the shipping business, is gearing up to make a significant splash in the offshore wind sector. Substantiated by the shared expertise of the Rickmers family, Diana Shipping, Blue Star Group, KG, and SeraVerse, the consortium is executing an ambitious foray into the ever-growing wind power market with the creation of Windward Offshore.
Diving into Wind Power with Innovative Hybrid Vessels
Having identified a pressing global demand for increased capacity in wind energy, the newly formed consortium has already begun the shift. It announced the order of two cutting-edge Commissioning Service Operation Vessels (CSOV) from the esteemed builder, Fincantieri’s Vard group. Defining the magnitude of their commitment, additional options for two extra vessels are also on the table.
Promoting Energy Transition and Market Growth
The proactive partnership was initially seeded by SeaRenergy, founded by the Rickmers family in 2010. With the offshore wind services department flourishing under the family’s guidance, they have been collaborating with Vard since 2015 on SOV projects. Clasen Rickmers, owner of SeaRenergy and The Asian Spirit Steamship Company stated, “The Rickmers family has now chosen to be at the forefront of the energy transition, assuring that suitable vessel capacity will be available from 2025 and further, matching the timeline when current wind farm projects are expected to be operational.”
Shore-Side Visionaries Seeing Offshore Potential
Shrewdly teaming up, each partner in the consortium is confident about the potential return on this investment. Stressing the strategic nature of this venture, the group pointed out what they perceive as the industry’s tonnage capacity as the offshore wind sector gears up for its forthcoming expansion phase. Semiramis Paliou, CEO of Diana Shipping expressed, “Together with our respected partners, we set sail on a thrilling voyage that promises to contribute to a greener, more sustainable world.”
Unleashing Eco-Conscious Vessels for a Cleaner Future
Eyeing its debut in 2025, the partnership is geared up to revolutionize offshore wind with its first vessel launch. The ordered units, fundamentally designed on VARD’s established 4 19 model, are slated to be hybrid vessels fitted with battery hybrid systems and geared up for green methanol operations. Proactively designed to trim down fuel consumption, the state-of-the-art vessels, spanning 287 feet, will accommodate 120 and boast features like a motion-compensated gangway and an adjustable boat landing system.
The initial vessel is planned for construction in Romania with Norway overseeing the final outfittings, commissioning, and delivery, while Vietnam will produce and deliver the second ship. The first vessel is slated for deployment by the second quarter of 2025, signifying a monumental stride in the shipping industry’s green revolution.