
Articles in this sub-category can focus on the latest regulations, laws, and policies affecting the maritime industry, as well as discussions on international maritime organizations, conventions, and agreements. This can also include updates on compliance, environmental issues, and safety standards.

Shattering Retail Norms: How Asian Malls in the U.S. Are Expanding Post-Pandemic

Asian U.S. Malls: An Unlikely Success Story In the mire of the retail industry trying to revamp itself, somewhere, a story stands out – U.S Asian malls. Amid the turmoil of conventional malls, these venues are flourishing soundly post-pandemic, all while drawing a devoted pool of consumers toward their unique offerings. Combining Community and Commerce […]

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Unveiling the Future of Maritime: The 2023 IRS Naval Rules

The forthcoming 2023 IRS Naval Rules encapsulates the most recent mandates from IMO/IACS, along with specifications tailored towards naval military features. These rules, formulated in conjunction with the Indian Navy’s technical directorates under the stewardship of the Chief of Materiel and the Controller of Warship Production and Acquisition, foresee the latest technological innovations that will

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Global Spotlight on Rogue Fishing: NOAA’s Definitive Report on Unlawful Sea Activities

Unlawful Practices in the International Fishing Industry In an unprecedented move, the recent report from NOAA Fisheries on international fisheries management has brought to light not only improper fishing (known as IUU fishing) but also the troubling consequences of protected living marine resources’ bycatch. Forced labor and inappropriate shark catches have made a maiden appearance

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Navigating Change: Middle East Navigation Rates and Scope Expansion 

Middle East Navigation Service, an established frontier in providing navigational assistance across the Middle East’s Gulf region, recently announced a hike in service charges and a broadening of its paying clientele. Boasting a pedigree in offering Aid to Navigation (AtoN) in this bustling shipping route since 1951, the company has been the critical compass directing

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Unfolding Saga: Korean Bulk Carrier Polaris Shipping Under Fire

Operation Shut Down: A Damaging Police Raid This week, South Korea-based bulk carrier operator Polaris Shipping faced a major setback when its headquarters in Seoul was raided by the police. Thorough investigations are underway following an embezzlement allegation that has shaken the company. The unexpected raid took place on a typical Monday morning as investigators

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Black Sea Memorandum and Vina Del Mar Aim for Safer Seas 

Member authorities from notable bodies, the Black Sea Memorandum on Port State Control and the Acuerdo Vina Del Mar 1992 are collaborating to launch a Concerted Inspection Campaign (CIC). The campaign’s primary motive is to ramp up the comprehension of fire safety among shipowners and their teams. It further intends to ensure strict adherence to

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Chinese-Owned Bulker Faces Australian Ban Over Alleged Seafarer Mistreatment

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has delivered an unequivocal message to shipping industry delinquents that the mistreatment of workers will not stand. This resolution has taken concrete form with the imposition of a one-year ban on a bulker owned and managed by Chinese operators. AMSA outlined serious allegations of seafarer abuse and wage deprivation,

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Unleashing New Opportunities: Union Negotiations, Lithium Exports, and Ammonia Fuel

Negotiating for a Brighter Future: Bath Iron Works’ Union Success Story In 2020, the largest union representing workers at Bath Iron Works took a bold step. They launched a two-month strike, a move aimed at securing top-priority elements within their contracts like limiting the use of subcontractors. This bold move paid off. Fast forward to

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Breaking the Waves: Japanese Shipping Giants Penalized for Anti-Competitive Conspiracy

A Costly Conspiracy  Two of the leading names in the maritime industry, Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line), have found themselves slapped with charges amounting to nearly C$2m. The Ontario Superior Court found them guilty of their role in an international conspiracy that undercut competition in car shipment to Canada. The

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Navigating the Tide of Change: ClassNK’s Insight into FuelEU Maritime and its Impact on Global Shipping Industry

Demystifying FuelEU Maritime Image credits to ClassNK aren’t simply a gesture of acknowledgment, but an indication of the organization’s recent endeavor to enlighten the maritime industry about FuelEU Maritime – a set of critical regulations rolled out by the European Union to expedite the decarbonization process of ship fuels. The vision behind these regulations is

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